Explaining Coronavirus To Kids, And The Science Of Soap
As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, the World Health Organization has declared the novel coronavirus a pandemic. We’re answering questions about the virus with infectious disease doctor Krutika Kuppalli, who studies global pandemics. And chemistry professor Palli Thordarson, from the University of New South Wales on the science of why washing your hands with plain old soap and water is so effective against germs.
The ultimate kids' guide to the new coronavirus
A new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 is spreading across the globe. Kids like you are likely wondering, "Will school be closed?" and, "Should I be worried about getting sick?" To help guide you through a confusing situation, here are answers from science to all the questions you may have.
7 Ways to Support Kids and Teens Through the Coronavirus Pandemic
The outbreak of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has created a lot of anxiety and uncertainty for all of us, including children and teens. During stressful times, not matter what their age, children want to know three basic things...
Talking to kids about the virus? Experts say be honest and stay calm.
It's important to reassure children, to ask whether they have questions and to stress safety, said Dr. Jamie Howard, a clinical psychologist at the nonprofit Child Mind Institute. The institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention both offer tips on talking to children.
Avoid Cabin Fever With These 125 Ideas to Keep Kids Entertained During the Coronavirus Crisis
How can you keep kids entertained during the coronavirus crisis? Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent or you’re living that WFH life right now, there are plenty of ways to keep the whole family from going stir-crazy. In fact, here are 125 ideas for kids to avoid cabin fever during the coronavirus pandemic...
Helping Children with Their Mental Health
How to talk to children about their mental health concerns and help them cope. It’s never too early to help your child care for their emotional well-being. Helping a child or teen with their mental health care rests on three pillars: take care, talk often, and act early. And there’s always hope.
Visit HERE for NAMI Clackamas resources
MHTTC Parent Guide: https://cars-rp.org/_MHTTC/docs/COVID-19%20MH%20Resources-Parents%20Caregivers%20and%20Families.pdf
Child Mind Institute Parent Guide: https://childmind.org/coping-during-covid-19-resources-for-parents/
For families who have youth with special health care needs: https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/le2309b.pdfhttps://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/le2309b.pdf
"Talk It Over” Support Group - 2nd and 4th Sundays at 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM supportive place for families of children with a mental health barrier and/or substance abuse. For more information contact Margaret at 503-737-9971.
Parent Cafe: a safe place for parents and caregivers to meet, where experience and knowledge can be shared to promote growth and strength from the joys and struggles of parenting.